A note from our founder...
There is a a sense of calm and a sense that time stops when we get into the zone and create art. We may share our ideas and values through a drawing and as it translates onto paper we experience a new sensation. This sensation is something everyone should have the right to experience. Most of us received this during our first art classes in elementary school and perhaps inspired us to continue searching for more of that. These days, the lack of art education is causing many of our children to skip this part of their lives and never really sense it.

Our goal here at Crayon Collection is to make art accessible to all. With billions of crayons produced and discarded per year, we have more than enough materials to go around. With the support of professional artists and museums partners like the Getty, we have elevated the art making experience such that all children can have access to the feeling of creating. 
We hope teachers will take advantage of our free art education program and see how many wonderful opportunities there are to create while still staying within the common core curricula. 
Happy National Crayon Collection Month.

Sheila Morovati
Founder, Crayon Collection
Donate in Honor of National Crayon Collection Month
By the Numbers
YOU Make a Difference.

The Crayon Collection mission can only be met with the support of volunteers and donors like you. Thank you for all of your past and continued support of equitable art access and education. Make a donation today to help inspire creativity and connection in the next generation of students and leaders.
Donate in Honor of National Crayon Collection Month
Spreading Kindness
Crayon Collection was proud to host the first ever, worldwide, virtual kindness event in honor of National Crayon Collection Month 2020. Together, we sent hundreds of notes to people across the globe. This year, we were proud to participate in our SECOND kindness event with our friends at GISH.
Thank you to our corporate friends for all of your support!
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Crayon Collection

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