26 August 2018

Levitt Concert LA’s Youth Got Talent

Crayon Collection met the wonderful team of Levitt Los Angeles, a non-profit dedicated to hosting a free summer concert series in MacArthur Park at the Levitt Pavilion. Levitt is really awesome because they make sure their concerts and materials are all bilingual, in English and Spanish.

Levitt invited us to their final concert of the summer, “LA’s Youth Got Talent.” At the concert, many young children went up on stage and performed. We were in awe at the amazing voices! There was a wonderful variety of music and dancing. Crayon Collection blown away by all the young talent!

We even got to go up on stage to introduce our craft table and explain what we do at Crayon Collection. We explained that we are a charity that collects and redistributes crayons to underfunded schools. We loved having our moment on the stage to spread the word about spreading kindness and color.

Crayon Collection hosted a charity table where children attending the event could create the “Alphabet Soup” Project. Kids were also invited to participate in our Color Kindness Program, in which they could write and draw a note of kindness which would be added to a Crayon Collection Pouch along with crayons to be donated together to vulnerable schools.

In addition to the art projects and coloring, Crayon Collection donated Crayon Collection Pouches to youth at the event who had never owned their own pack of crayons before. Many children were so excited to receive their first bag of crayons.

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